Brookfields and Onehunga Mall completed AR101564 LFGX5020E 我们的建造方法

Kāinga Ora有一系列的住房举措和计划正在实施中,为新西兰人供应更多新住房。其中包括位于新西兰各主要中心和全国各地的不同规模和类型的住房项目。

Mavis Hayman Beach Haven AR101177 DJI 0907 Social housing developments

Kāinga Ora is making more efficient use of land by replacing many of our older state houses with more, warm and dry homes in areas of high demand.

Planned developments Planned developments

Keeping our communities informed is very important to us. The sites below are in the early planning stages and our Stakeholder Relationship Managers will keep you up to date with our plans as they progress.

Welcoming Event 33 让社区了解情况

Kāinga Ora 肩负着使命要提供更多的住房,满足我们社区的迫切需求。我们与社区的联络交流工作旨在让社区了解其所在地区正在建造的房屋的最新情况,并支持繁荣的社区。

Replacing insualtion landscape Kāinga Ora改造计划

Kāinga Ora正在使我们的住房更温暖、更干燥、更健康,以改善租户的福祉。通过我们的改造计划,我们升级、改造了一些老旧住房,为我们的租户提供更多可以称之为家的优质房源。

Grace Street completed AR103607 DJI 0115 Ōrākei Neighbourhood Plan

Our neighbourhood plan for Ōrākei sets out how we will work alongside existing customers, our partner Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, stakeholders and the community, to renew and replace our aged stock in the suburb, over the next 7 to 10 years.