日常起居活动,如烹饪、淋浴和将洗完的衣服挂在室内会导致不利于健康的湿气积聚。好消息是这种潮气很容易清除。 这里有四种让您的住房保持温暖和干燥的方法
- 擦拭 窗户和墙壁上的湿气和水分。
- 清早起来以及洗澡和做饭时都打开窗户。
- 如果可以的话,把衣服挂在外面晾干。或晾在在一个门关着、窗户打开的房间里。
- 白天打开窗帘让暖空气进来,天黑前拉上以保持暖和。
- 堵住门窗漏风的地方,不让冷空气进屋。
- 使用有恒温和计时的加热器取暖,以便暖气仅在您需要时才打开。
- 盖上锅盖,并确保锅与炉头大小匹配,锅盖与锅的尺寸合适。
- 使用抽油烟机或打开窗。
- 在床和家具与墙壁之间留出间隙,以便空气可以自由流通。空气不流通会导致两者之间形成冷凝,霉菌会不知不觉地在鞋子和衣服中滋生。
- 衣柜门应略微敞开。
- 避免将床垫直接放在地板上。
- 在熟睡的孩子之间留出尽可能多的空间。
- 如果您的孩子们共用一张床,不妨试试“头对脚”。
- 尽量不要让很多人睡在一个房间里。
Overheating is when a home gets uncomfortably warm inside.
Overheating can make it hard to sleep. It can also put stress on the body, especially for young children, the elderly, and people living with disabilities and health conditions. The higher the temperature and the longer you’re exposed to it, the greater the risks.
Here are some tips to stop your home from getting too hot:
- Open the windows early in the morning while it’s still cool outside and close them again over the warmest part of the day.
- Close curtains on the sunniest windows. Leave the windows slightly open behind them to help keep cool.
- Turn your heat pump to cooling mode with the temperature set to 24-25°C, before your home gets too warm. This uses less power than cooling to lower temperatures. You can also use a fan in the doorway to help move the cool air to other rooms.
- Remember! Turning your heat pump temperature down low and then back up again won’t cool your home any faster and will cost you more money.
If it’s humid but not that hot:
Heat pumps have a dehumidifying mode which takes the moisture out of the air – shut the windows and doors and turn this on to help make it less sticky and more comfortable.
- Change into light, loose fitting clothing.
- Rest in a cool room with windows open and a fan on, or outside in the shade and breeze if it’s cooler.
- Drink lots of water - avoid caffeinated beverages (e.g. coffee, cola, energy drinks).
- Take a cool shower or bath, or put towels soaked in cool water on your skin - particularly around the neck and head.
- Keep irritated skin dry, and apply a soothing ointment or powder to heat rash.
- Gently stretch any muscles that are cramping.
If your body temperature starts to climb and you’re unable to cool yourself, you may be experiencing heat stress. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are the two most serious types of heat stress.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:
- Blurred vision
- Dizziness
- Fast breathing or heart rate
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Light-headedness or syncope (fainting)
- Low blood pressure
- Muscle aches or cramps
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weakness
Symptoms of heatstroke are similar, but can also include:
- Anhidrosis (dry skin that doesn’t sweat)
- Balance problems
- Delirium (being confused)
- Hot, flushed, or very pale skin
- Low or high blood pressure
- Seizures
Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition - if you think you or a member of your family may have heatstroke, call 111 immediately.
For non-urgent health advice, you can also call Healthline on 0800 611 116.
页面已更新: 24 十月 2024